Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Still Searching?

I read a devotional recently about searching for the right things. God entreats us to seek His kingdom first, before everything else. He invites us to pursue righteousness, to pursue His calling on our lives, to pursue Him.

The other day I discussed that part of surrendering is putting God's kingdom first. As I continue to attempt complete surrender, I wonder what I might be seeking in place of God's kingdom. My field tells me to seek after publication and prestige. Entertainment and media tell me to seek after bodily perfection and relationships. Advertising tells me to seek after money.

There are so many things we can put first, in front of God. But doing so sends God a message. It tells Him that we don't think He is enough. It tells Him that we don't trust Him to provide for our needs. It tells Him we would rather go it alone than depend on Him.

I don't have to keep searching, as if God is not enough. I want to embrace the fact that He is enough for me. I want to trust Him to provide for me. I want to depend on Him, knowing that He is faithful.

Are there things that you are placing before God in your life?

Today's Verses
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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