Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Best Laid Plans

Have you ever found yourself on a path that you always planned to take and discovered that you no longer know why you are walking that path? I've always been the kind of person who planned away her present while thinking about the future. My life plan, at least vocationally, was set a long time ago: I knew exactly what I would be doing and where I was headed from a fairly young age. Now, I find myself in a mental space where I have no idea what the future holds and my present work is no longer fulfilling. I wonder if it ever was. I wonder why I find myself in this place, on this trajectory.

Today I am comforted by the fact that God is a planner, even when I can't plan any longer, even when my plans fall apart. He is meticulous. He doesn't make mistakes. I am where I am, doing what I'm doing, because of Him.

I read that God strategically places us for His plans and His purposes. Even when I don't know where I am going or why I am on this path, He does. He has a plan for my studies, a plan for my health, a plan to use me. He created me, flaws and all, for a unique, specific purpose.

I am opening myself up to a better understanding of His plan for my life. I am trying to let go of the plans I always assumed would come to pass.

A wise friend shared the following statement with me, encouraging me to let go and surrender. I have found it rather freeing even as the endless possibilities are terrifying:

"I will go where He wants me to go, I will do what He wants me to do, I will say what He wants me to say, I will give what He wants me to give."

Have you ever found your life taking you somewhere you did not expect? How did you respond?

Today's Verse
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

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