Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Step by Step

Recently, on a whim, I took a glance at a map of Paul's ministry journeys. It's massive. He covered so much ground in the Ancient World. As I looked at the map and really soaked it in, really attempted to comprehend the distance between each of those places, the obstacles he faced along the way, I found myself marveling at Paul's resilience and determination. Paul walked most of that journey, placing one foot in front of the other, day after day after day. Every sermon I've heard about foot-washing has mentioned just how dirty peoples' feet were back then because the roads were dusty and full of animal excrement. And still, Paul walked through all of it. And he did it to fulfill the calling God placed on his life. He took the time necessary to go to those places, to invest in those people, to share the Gospel with them, to set them up well and to check up on them later in a world devoid of transportation or easy communication.

God isn't calling me to walk across nations, He isn't calling me to walk through literal feces, and yet I am still impatient at the time it takes to get where God wants me to be. Today, I am trying to focus on Paul's example, and to simply be happy putting one foot in front of the other, doing one thing at a time that I know will bring me closer to what God has in store.

How do you work towards your calling?

Today's Verse
Romans 12: 2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

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